Copyright & Image Usage 📷🖤

Copyright Statement:
All content on this website including but not limited to photographic work is protected under copyright laws. Copyright © 2007-2021, GODMACHINE TM,


Image Usage:

Any use of the images contained within this website is strictly forbidden unless otherwise stated below.

You may:

• Download an electronic copy of an image held on this website for your own private, non-commercial use as long as the images are not altered in any way, including the removal of the copyright text.

Private use is described by the following examples:

> For use as a screensaver or wallpaper on your personal computer.

> Email an image (for no commercial gain) to a friend or family member for their own personal enjoyment, so long as full recognition is given to

You may not:

• Sell electronic or printed copies of the images and content on this website, including NFT.

• Publish these images in any magazine, newspaper, website or other media outlet without express written permission from me.

• Make any commercial gain from these images by whatever means.

• Claim the credit for any of the images on this website in any form.

• Make any physical copies or prints of these images in any form, for any reason.