I heard an interview with Mike Patton on Henry Rollins show; when asked what he called his style/music he said, and I’m paraphrasing here; "at some point you have to stop caring what people think about your art. I am not concerned about how they’d like to pigeon hole my art, after a while you have to just get to work and let everyone else deal with how to label your work. At some point you have to just find your own corner of hell and get to work". This been in my head for years and I’ve finally decided to draw something for it.
Find What you Love and Let it Kill You...
Classic Black Hoody // Oversized Back Print in White// Plain Front
Love the Hoodies, the print is a good quality. Comfy and I love to wear it.
Thank you so much
Jacob Kempf
Awesome quality, and beautiful artwork comes together to be an awesome hoodie.
Thank you :)
adam constable
Thank you :)
Harry Hutchinson
Genuinely my favourite clothing brand
Currently own 2 hoodies and a t-shirt, love all the designs and find them really to be comfy and durable without being heavy, I do gigs and plan to wear them on stage aswell as get more!
Thank you for the lovely feedback, you'll have to send us photo's of you wearing them on stage :)
Linea Walther
Great Hoodie
Good quality hoodie with nice big back print. I am tempted to wear it all day, every day… <3
Thanks for the lovely feedback! Ha yes wear it all day everyday :)