I bought one of these long sleeved shirts from Attitude clothing because i adored the design. When it arrived i was absolutely floored with the quality of the garment. The print is fantastic, both aesthetically and practically, the label is printed on the inside so there's no sensory issues and the quality of the cotton is second to none. After that i bought four more long sleeved shirts, and once they arrived the level of quality was second to none. The designs themselves are wonderful and they've helped a lot. About 6 months or so ago my mental health plummeted, i was almost put in a psych ward. So when i saw the black dog design i knew i had to get it and i'm so glad i did. Realistically i know it's just a shirt, but when i put it on it makes me feel safe, it reminds me to make peace with my own black dog. It's the same with all of them, i put on one of them and it cheers me up and it makes me feel seen and that i'm not alone.
I'm planning on buying more of the designs in the next year or two because, after all, my black dog needs his treats.
P.s. my therapist loved the black dog shirt.